Your Money

What A Tariff Looks Like

What happens when a new tariff gets put in place? To really see the action, you have to go to Newark, New Jersey.

What's In Your Paycheck?

The pace of wage growth is one of the best indicators of economic health. But it can be measured with different methods. Each method tells a slightly different story about how the economy is doing.

Putin Vs. Russia's Economy

Russia has had a huge presence in the news lately. But its economy... not so huge. It's smaller than the economy of Texas. Today on the show, we look at what's been holding it back.


The GDP got all sorts of attention today. The U.S. economy grew at a stellar rate of 4.1% in the second quarter. But what does that mean? And will it continue?

When Oracles Err

Three legends in their respective fields, three disastrous investment mistakes.

The Diamond-Water Paradox

The Diamond-Water Paradox poses the question: If we need water to survive and we don't need diamonds, why are diamonds expensive and water cheap?