Your Money

Sallie Krawcheck on #MeToo, Dodd Frank & Cronuts

We play overrated/underrated with Sallie Krawcheck, Wall Street C-suite veteran and founder of Ellevest. She talks investing, women on Wall Street, and where to find the best BBQ.

The Beautiful Indicator

Team Indicator takes on the World Cup. We drink, we cheer, we watch the game and, of course, we bring our economic indicators.

MoviePass / Fail?

If you pay MoviePass 10 dollars a month, you can go to the movies every day. Great for customers, but hard on a company's bottom line. Today on the show, what's the plan, MoviePass?

Teenage (Employment) Wasteland

The teen summer job is a vaunted that is fading. Today's teenagers just aren't working as much as their forebears. And that could have serious implications for America's labor market.

The Plight Of The Living Dead

The Death Master File is a list kept by the government. It keeps track of everyone who has died. But what happens when you end up on the list while you're still alive?

The Measure Of A Tragedy

Venezuela's economy has collapsed, and the normal economic indicators have gotten so bad they're almost unfathomable. So one economist created an indicator to capture the awful human cost.

The Art Of The Trade War

The U.S. and China are on track for a trade war. Economists generally say that's a bad idea... but if the U.S. wants to get tough on China, what are some alternatives?