World News

As Ramadan Winds Down, Tensions Ramp Up In Egypt

Muslims are feasting at the end of the holy month of Ramadan, usually a time of peace and fraternity. But in Egypt, tension is building after the failure of international mediation efforts between the interim government and supporters of ousted President Mohammed Morsi. The Prime Minister has said he's losing patience and they plan to disperse the ongoing sit-ins. Morsi's supporters are vowing to stay in the streets, building barricades and stocking up on supplies in preparation for whatever comes next.

Fukushima Nuclear Plant Leaking 300 Tons Of Tainted Water Daily

The Japanese government has announced that radioactive groundwater is leaking from the Fukushima nuclear power plant. To try and stop it, the Tokyo Electric Power Company, which owns the plant, has proposed building an underground wall of frozen earth around the reactors. The ice wall is supposed to keep groundwater from flowing in and radioactive water from leaking out, but nobody knows for sure whether it will work.