In his short story collection, former Marine Phil Klay takes his experience in Iraq and clarifies it. On Wednesday, he won the National Book Award for fiction.
Thomas Jefferson loved macaroni and cheese so much he brought it home to Virginia from Europe. The American Plate reveals these and other stories behind America's most beloved foods.
Mike Nichols was an ultimate Hollywood insider who won every major show business award directing for stage, film and TV. But his life in America began as an outsider immigrant from Germany.
The veteran-penned short story collection and the nonfiction look at modern China and its citizens joined youth literature winner Brown Girl Dreaming and poetry winner Faithful and Virtuous Night.
A TV comedy Bill Cosby was developing for NBC has been canceled, after new allegations against the comedian. Netflix made a similar move; TV Land will reportedly stop airing Cosby Show reruns.
There was more fallout for actor comedian Bill Cosby on Wednesday, following renewed allegations about sexual misconduct. NBC said it was cancelling plans for a comedy it was developing with Cosby.