A palindrome is a word or phrase that is the same forwards and backwards, but a semordnilap ("palindromes" backwards) is a word that becomes a different word when read backwards. Get it, smug gums?
Apparently, the key to success is being named Tony, because these various Tonys have all won awards. Try to guess which Tony won a Best Supporting Emmy on Veep.
Everybody knows how to identify state names from the first few letters, but the last ones? What state ends with a "s-i-n"? Bonus trivia: we'll tell you a weird roadside attraction found in each state.
Because you've been programmed to give answers in the form of a question, all the answers in this game are famous phrases that begin with the question "what is."
In this final round, where all the answers in this game contain the name of a major U.S. college or university, contestants school each other for the chance to be serenaded by VIP Tituss Burgess.
For this week's Sandwich Monday, we try Funagrette "Cheesy Pizza" flavored salad dressing. We never thought a salad could make us feel so bad about our eating habits.
As virtual reality becomes more lifelike and the technology more consumer friendly, developers continue to push it as the new heart of the video game and movie experience.
Letters that start the name of a city are combined with letters that start the name of its state to spell a word. What are the city and state? For the word "latex," the answer would be Laredo, Texas.
What sound does a frog make when it plays this popular lawn game in Canada? Croak-eh? All the answers in this game are words that become other words when pronounced with a Canadian accent.