Strange News

The Rocket City Trash Pandas

A new minor league baseball team for Madison, Ala., will be named the Rocket City Trash Pandas. A trash panda is a nickname for a raccoon.

Paranormal Investigator Fires Gun At Ghost

Police responded to a report of gunshots in a Connecticut home. A man there said he was a paranormal investigator.
He said he was shooting at an intruder who was a possible ghost.

Farmer Proposes With Message On Cow

What do you do when you're a farmer in Scotland and you want to propose to your girlfriend? You write "Will You Marry Me" on the side of a cow.

KFC Wants Your Babies (Kind Of)

KFC says it will give $11,000 to the first baby born on Sept. 9 with the first name Harland, after Col. Harland Sanders.