Strange News

Bear. Hot Tub. Margarita

Soak up some holiday vibes with this video of a bear having an afternoon in Altadena, Calif.

The 'World's Fattest Hedgehog' Goes On A Diet

Staff at a Scottish animal rescue center are putting Arbuckle the hedgehog on a diet after weighing in at about 5 pounds, which is four times a normal weight, according to the BBC.

Snake On A Car

A man in Arizona says a snake popped out from under the hood of his car and started to climb up the windshield. It retreated back under the hood and was never found.

Do Not Disturb The Mayor While He's Jogging

Jim Fouts, the mayor of Warren, Mich., posted a message on Facebook asking residents not to talk to him while he's jogging. He says it's important for his health.

Police Dog Demonstrates CPR

A police dog in Spain was trained in CPR. Video shows the dog demonstrating by pressing its paws on the chest of an officer on the ground. The dog then puts its ear on the man to listen for a pulse.