The Little Free Library Movement Comes to Winston-Salem
At the end of last month, Winston-Salem resident Sarah Maxey asked for $175 through Kickstarter, a digital funding platform for creative projects, in order to start a Little Free Library. These libraries are freestanding structures placed, well, anywhere: a local Y, a park, greenway, neighborhood, coffee shop,
and stocked with special books that are free to the public. The hope is that those who take, will eventually return either the same book, or another meaningful one.
Sen. Hagan Introduces Bill to Address Job Skills Gap
A bipartisan bill working its way through Congress aims to combat the job-skills gap.
Smitty's Notes Guides You to What's Great in Winston-Salem
Smitty's Notes does more to spread the word about goings on in the Triad and to bring people together than just about any other single source in our community. Today, 16 years after its inception, Smitty's Notes eNewsletter is just as vital as ever, and it's now on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. The man behind Smitty's Notes is Jeffrey Smith.
Is Winston-Salem a Compassionate City?
A group of non-profit organizations and some 200 individuals are urging the city of Winston-Salem to become a compassionate city ...
"Returnships" Are a New Twist on Internships
Completing an internship is a time-honored way for college students to gain both work experience and course credit.
NC Directly Affected by Supreme Ct. Ruling on Voting Rights Act
North Carolina is among the states affected directly by the Supreme Court's decision to strike down part of the Voting Rights Act of 1965.
Piedmont Residents Will Speak Out During Public Hearing on Duke Energy Rate Increase
Duke Energy customers hope their stories will prevent a rate hike.
Power Being Restored to the Piedmont, Cleanup Continues
Almost all of Duke Energy's 1.9 million customers in North Carolina have power.